The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

05/12/2017 – Hinchley Wood School Consultation on Admission Arrangements for September 2019

The Governing Board of Hinchley Wood School is currently determining proposed admissions arrangements for entry to the school in September 2019.  As determined by the School Admissions Code and The School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012, we are required to consult with you.

There are changes proposed to the admissions criteria both for Years 7-11 and for the Sixth Form and the following documents are attached:
·         Explanation of Proposed Changes to Admission Arrangements for Years 7-11 and Sixth Form for 2019
·         Proposed Admissions Criteria 2019 – Years 7-11 (changes highlighted in bold/italic)
·         Hinchley Wood School Catchment Area Map – Years 7-11 only
·         Proposed Admission Criteria for Sixth form 2019 (changes highlighted in bold/italic)
·         Proposed Application Form for Admission to Sixth Form for 2019
·         Proposed Supplementary Information Form
·         Consultation Response Form

Given the importance of publicising these changes, we would ask that you please make any interested parties aware of this consultation process, either through a website, twitter feed, in a newsletter or on a notice board.

If you have any comments on the proposed changes to our admission arrangements, please use the attached consultation response form or write to me at the address below or email by Friday 19th January 2018 so that we can determine our arrangements.  Alternatively you can access this consultation and download a response form from our school website at

Proposed EHS admissions criteria in 2019

Consultation Response Form

Draft Admissions Criteria 2019

Draft Admissions Criteria for Sixth Form for September 2019

Draft Supplementary Information Form

Explanation of Proposed Changes to Admissions Arrangements for Sep 19

HWS Catchment Area Map

Sixth Form Application Form Sept 2019 Entry