UPDATED – Weylands Treatment Plant planning application
A consultancy application for building a Waste Treatment Plant at Weylands, off Lyon Road in Hersham, was made by Surrey County Council.
SCC are the planning authority in this case. They have to consult with Elmbridge Borough Council but they are not bound by EBC’s advice.
The application was considered by the North Area Planning Sub-committee on Monday 9th September. The meeting was held in the main Council Chamber and there were a considerable number of local residents in attendance. There was a lengthy debate concerning the pros and cons of the application and quite a number of points were made by your local Molesey Councillors, Ian T Donaldson, Victor G Eldridge and Tony Popham who all felt that this plant was very inappropriate for this location.
The Sub-Committee, having reviewed the relevant material considerations, concluded that an objection be raised to the consultation application, for the following reasons:
1. The proposed development represents inappropriate development within the Green Belt for which an insufficient case of very special circumstances to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt has been provided. The proposed development would therefore be contrary to the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 in relation to the Green Belt.
2. Insufficient information has been provided in relation to the potential impacts of emissions from the proposed anaerobic digestion plant on surrounding residential areas. On this basis, the proposed development is considered to be contrary to the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 in relation to air quality.
3. The proposed development would result in a detrimental impact on traffic levels in the surrounding area and local infrastructure due to the lack of suitability of the local road network, contrary to the provisions of saved Policies MOV4 and MOV15 of the Replacement Elmbridge Borough Local Plan 2000 and Policy CS25 of the Core Strategy 2011.
MRA’s Surrey County Councillors, Ernest Mallett and Stuart Selleck will take up this matter with SCC’s Planning & Development Group.and add further weight to EBC’s objection.
You may also wish to add your own objections and we think that the more people that write in the more likely it is that SCC will take notice. Please write to:
Mr Mark O’Hare Planning & Development Group, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DY
UPDATE: The Senior Planning Officer at SCC has advised that consideration of the application in respect of Weylands Treatment Works, Lyon Road, Walton-on-Thames has been delayed, to 11 December 2013 at the earliest.
In addition there is to be an SCC planning meeting 10:30 on 13th November at County Hall, Kingston. We encourage any concerned residents to come along.
It should be noted that the MP for Esher and Walton, Dominic Raab is against the proposal.
Published on Friday, October 18th, 2013
General Interest
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