The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Boat Moorings Update

Elmbridge Council has published the following update on the proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) affecting boat moorings.

Update on proposed PSPO for unauthorised mooring

Following the 5 July Cabinet meeting, a second phase of consultation regarding a PSPO for unauthorised mooring is now underway.

This PSPO would restrict mooring to 24 hours (no return within 72 hours) at Ditton Reach, Albany Reach, Cigarette Island, Cowey Sale, Hurst Park and Surrey County Council’s land adjacent to Hampton Court bridge (Parrs mooring). To ensure that due process for making the order is met, we have published a range of documents online with more details as to how a potential PSPO would be implemented and enforced.

We welcome views and comments from residents, users of the river, or stakeholder groups on any of the consultation documents. The survey closes on 29 December.