The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Council Tax Meeting – 23 January

Local residents are being invited to attend a Council Tax meeting on 23 January at the Elmbridge Council Civic Centre in Esher. This is a chance to hear how the Council is spending its resources. The Leader of the Council will present on how we Elmbridge will take the Council forward in 2012/13, and will also cover key projects and achievements from this year. Meet the Leader of the Council- Councillor John O’Reilly and Chief Executive- Robert Moran and ask questions in an open question time. Doors open at 6pm for 7pm meeting – there is free parking after 6pm in the car park. More information is available on the Elmbridge Council website via the link. Find out more here.