The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Esher High Entry – September 2013

The shortage of places at local schools has been an increasing problem for Molesey families in recent years, and the MRA has been campaigning for some time for more places for Molesey children at our local schools.  Following MRA pressure, Surrey County Council (SCC) agreed to increase the Esher High entry intake by 30 places (from 210 to 240)  in 2010.  This largely addressed the shortage of places for Molesey children that year. 

From 2011 the school reverted to an entry intake of 210, but for the first time the system operated on the basis of a new specified catchment area for Esher High, which included the whole of Molesey.  This clearly helped, and there were fewer difficulties in 2011 or 2012.  But this year, once again, many Molesey children who applied for a place at Esher High have been disappointed. 

From 2015 there will be a permanent increase in the intake numbers at Esher High following the building of new extensions.  In the meantime MRA has asked SCC to urgently consider additional places for September 2013 so that more children in Molesey can go the school of their choice.

Mike Axton

020 8979 1502