Heathrow Airport Update
Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) has advised that they will be carrying out some repairs to the southern runway. These works will begin in the week commencing 13th July 2020. In order to undertake the repairs, HAL will need to close the southern runway, meaning they only operate from the northern runway during certain time periods (outlined below). This will mean that for these periods of time, communities overflown by flights using the northern runway will experience more aircraft noise than they currently do today, whilst those communities usually overflown by flights using the southern runway will experience less aircraft noise.
HAL recognises this may be disruptive to local communities, however by carrying out the repairs now whilst flight volumes are significantly lower than normal, they believe this provides them with the opportunity to carry out the works in the most efficient and quickest way. This should then minimise unplanned repairs in the future, causing less disruption to both their operations and local communities e.g. with fewer interrupted respite periods.
The works are proposed in phases and the following sets out the detail of this.
Phase 1 – full closure of the southern runway
- From 13 July 2020 to after 2 August 2020 at the earliest, the southern runway will be closed (during the day and night)
- The works will take place Monday to Saturday between 7am – 7pm
- Only the northern runway will be in use during this period and so no runway alternation will take place.
Phase 2 – overnight closure of the southern runway (7pm – 7am)
- From early August 2020 into September/October 2020, the southern runway will be closed for repairs between 7pm – 7am so only the northern runway will be in use during this period
- · The repairs will take place every day between 8pm-6am
- Both runways will be in use between the hours of 7am – 7pm with runway alternation taking place at 3pm.
HAL anticipate that these works will continue into September and possibly through to October, however they will need to review this nearer the time as this will depend on the operational situation such as the number of flight movements. They will keep us updated on the plans for this.
Further information is available on their website including, FAQs – https://www.heathrow.com/company/local-community/noise/latest-local-community-and-noise-news/southern-runway-repairs
Published on Wednesday, July 15th, 2020
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