The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Jolly Boatman – Appeal Lodged Against Refusal of Planning Permission

The applicants have now formally appealed against the refusal of Elmbridge Council to grant planning permisson for the proposed major development at the Jolly Boatman site and Hampton Court Station.

The application numbers were

2018/3810 (Development to provide 97 residential units, a hotel (84 bedrooms) and retail units following demolition of some existing buildings and structures on site including Hampton Court Motors.

2018/3803   (Temporary car parking and associated works for Hampton Court Station to provide 110 spaces, for a period not exceeding 2 years from date of first use, and subsequent reinstatement)

Elmbridge Council will write to all those who commented on the applications to advise them of the appeal process and timescales (this will take a while as there are a large number to write to).  All objections will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate, so people who objected to the applications don’t need to write again, but they can raise any additional points if they wish.

The Inquiry will start on 14th June and will run for 5 days spread over 2 weeks.

This is obvously disappointing news. We will update resdients as and when further informaton becomes available.