The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Let’s talk Elmbridge in Molesey!

Let’s talk Elmbridge will be coming to Molesey in January 2012. Let’s talk Elmbridge gives the opportunity for residents and service providers to come together to have a conversation about Elmbridge. Explore the buzzing marketplace and find out what services are on offer to you as an Elmbridge resident. Give Council officers and your local Councillors your views on what you think the Council does well or should do differently. The Leader of the Council and Chief Executive will both be around to chat to you one-to-one about those local issues that are close to your hearts. Our partners – Surrey County Council, Surrey Police, Surrey Fire & Rescue Service and Go Surrey – will all be there. There will be some attractions for all the family, including the recycling wheel of fortune, smoothie-making bicycle and a police car to look around. The event will be on Thursday 19 January at Hurst Park Primary School in West Molesey, from 3 to 5pm. To find out more go to: