The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Letter from MRA councillor Mike Axton to the Molesey News and Mail concerning their article on car park charges

MRA councillor Mike Axton has sent a letter to the Molesey News & Mail concerning their front page article about car park charges.

To: The Editor, Molesey News and Mail

Contrary to misleading reports in the Molesey News and Mail, it is only the Molesey Residents Association (MRA) that has consistently opposed the introduction of car park charges in the Walton Road car park. We remain concerned about the enormous potential for chaos, and see no evidence that the knock on effects have been properly thought through.

The largest number of responses (by a long way) to last year’s Council’s consultation on car park charges came from the residents of Molesey, and the overwhelming majority were against the introduction of charges. In spite of these responses, and the continued opposition of MRA Councillors, the Council nevertheless voted last year to introduce charges in all its town and village centre car parks.

We still think the Council’s decision was wrong, but we have at least now received assurances that the introduction of charges in Molesey will be delayed until June 2006 at the earliest in order to take account of the concerns that have been raised. In the meantime we are pressing for action to sort out the chaotic on street parking arrangements before any charges are introduced.

We must ensure that any solution improves the often gridlocked state of the main roads through Molesey, while providing for sufficient short-term parking to support our remaining small businesses.

Yours Sincerely

Michael Axton

Elmbridge Councillor. Molesey South