The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Local Elections on 4th May 2006

The Elmbridge Borough Council elections take place on Thursday 4th May 2006. The Molesey Residents’ Association have nominated the following three candidates.

MOLESEY EAST – Anthony Popham. See Tony’s manifesto here.

MOLESEY NORTH – Stuart Selleck. See Stuart’s manifesto here.

MOLESEY SOUTH – Ian Donaldson. See Ian’s manifesto here.

Update (01/05/2006)
The Conservatives have produced a canvassing brochure and the MRA have produced the following document to answer some of the points raised. Click here.

Related Information
For full analysis on the Council Tax please see here.
For details on the responsibilities of Surrey Country Council and Elmbridge Borough Council see the Spring 2006 newsletter which is available here.