The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Local Markets to be Piloted in Walton Road Car Park

Elmbridge Council has been working with the Court Circular Team (the local independent magazine across Molesey) to help them develop and get agreement for four pilot artisan independents markets to be held in the south eastern corner of the Walton Road car park on the following dates between 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Sat 15 July

Sat 12 Aug

Sat 16 Sept

Sat 14 Oct

It is hoped that the markets will help support the vitality and vibrancy of the Walton Road area.

The market will utilise 45 spaces, and average Saturday occupancy shows the market pilots can be safely accommodated while hopefully providing an additional draw for residents and visitors to the area.