The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Lower Mole Flood Alleviation Scheme – Update

The Lower Mole Project Team has published the following update which will be of interest to local residents.

We are pleased to announce the our new Lower Mole Flood Alleviation Scheme website is live.

Following the feedback we received during our previous discussions about the scheme, we have carried out further work and created a revised shortlist of options which we would like to share with the community. You can find all the latest information about the revised options and the scheme at We are also promoting the scheme on twitter at

We are also looking to further engage with you later in the year, when the cost and carbon estimates for the revised shortlist options are available.

Kind regards

Lower Mole project team