The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Molesey Boat Club

Some time ago Molesey Boat Club, renowned for producing Olympic medal-winning rowers, obtained planning permission to construct a rowing tank at the Club.  Fundraising is ongoing but the Club has already raised a significant amount for this expensive facility (which previously existed at the old Leisure Centre) and hope to receive a further £50,000 from Elmbridge’s share of the CIL funds. Work is now underway on the project.

The MRA has always been a strong supporter of the Boat Club, but some residents were concerned about the loss of some public open space at Graburn Way.  MRA Cllr. Mike Axton therefore pressed for the remaining public open space at the riverfront to be enhanced with some landscaping, additional seating, and a much improved children’s play area.  This was agreed and the new play area, which will be a superb facility for local children, is expected to open shortly.