The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

New Heathrow Consultations

Heathrow has announced two further consultations in 2019.

The first on Airspace Change and Future Operations and the second on its preferred masterplan for Heathrow expansion, including the physical infrastructure changes and how they will manage the effects of growth at the airport.

The first of these consultations – the Airspace and Future Operations Consultation – will take place between the 8th January – 4th March 2019.

There will be two public consultation events:

• Walton-on-Thames: 23 January, 2-8pm at the Xcel Sports Hub.

• East Molesey: 25 January, 2-8pm at Imber Court.

The impact on Molesey will be considerable. We will be looking at these consultation proposals closely, and we would also encourage all residents to do so.

For further information you can take a look at Heathrow’s FAQs on January’s Airspace and Future Operations consultation and its dedicated Consultation Hub site.