The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Parking Provision at Paragon Properties in West Molesey

Several residents living in West Molesey have contacted the MRA about the lack of proper parking spaces for properties which were transferred to Elmbridge Housing Trust in 2000.

The transfer included various green spaces around the properties, and as part of the contract Elmbridge Council paid £185,000 to the Housing Trust to provide some hard surface car parking spaces within these green areas.  The residents were aware of this at the time, and have asked us on a number of occasions why this was not done.  We have raised this with Paragon Housing Group on a number of occasions, but they insist that they £185,000 has all been spent, and that it was not sufficient to provide all the spaces originally promised.

The areas giving rise to most concerns include  First Close, Second Close, Molesham Way, Molesham Close and Belvedere Gardens, and the recent wet weather is making things even worse.  MRA Councillor Mike Axton is continuing to press Paragon Housing to take action to improve these locations, and at a recent meeting they agreed to reconsider the position.  We will continue to raise this with them, and will keep residents updated.