Proposed Boundary Changes
……….have your say!!
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has published draft recommendations on the future electoral arrangements for Elmbridge Borough Council. Today is the start of an eight week public consultation on the Commission’s draft recommendations on new ward boundaries across Elmbridge.
The consultation closes on 24 August 2015.
View the draft recommendations
You can view the Commission’s draft recommendations at where you can find interactive maps, a report and guidance on how to have your say. The Commission has not finalised its conclusions and now invites representations on the draft recommendations.
A summary outlining the Commission’s draft recommendations, an interactive map of th Commission’s recommendations for Elmbridge, electorate figures and guidance on how to propose new wards is available on the consultation area at:
Further information about the review and the Commission’s work is also published on our website at:
Have your say
We encourage everyone who has a view on the draft recommendations to contact us whether you support them or whether you wish to propose alternative arrangements.
Before finalising the recommendations, the Commission will consider every representation received during consultation whether it is submitted by an individual, a local group or an organisation. We will weigh each submission against the criteria the Commission must follow when drawing up electoral arrangements:
• To deliver electoral equality where each councillor represents roughly the same number of electors as others across the borough.
• That the pattern of wards should, as far as possible, reflect the interests and identities of local communities.
• That the electoral arrangements should provide for effective and convenient local government.
Elmbridge Borough Council currently holds elections by thirds. Where a council elects by thirds, Schedule 2 to the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 provides that the Commission should have regard to the desirability of recommending that each ward returns three councillors, subject to its other statutory criteria of achieving electoral equality, reflecting community identity and providing for effective and convenient local government. This reflects Parliament’s view that each elector in a local authority should have the same opportunity to vote in local elections, irrespective of that authority’s cycle of elections.
It is important that you take account of the criteria if you are suggesting an alternative pattern of wards. You can find additional guidance and information about previous electoral reviews on our website to help you or your organisation make a submission.
Get in touch
The Commission welcomes comments on the recommendations report by 24 August 2015. Representations should be made:
• Through our interactive consultation portal where you can explore the maps of the recommendations, draw your own boundaries and supply comments at:
• By email to:
• Or in writing to:
Review Officer (Elmbridge)
Local Government Boundary Commission for England
14th Floor
Millbank Tower
The Commission aims to publish every response it receives during phases of consultation. If you do not want all or any part of your response or name to be made public, you must state this clearly in the response. Any such request should explain why confidentiality is necessary. All responses may be subject to publication or disclosure as required by law (in particular under the Freedom of Information Act 2000).
This is the last opportunity to influence the Commission’s recommendations before they are finalised. We therefore encourage local people to get in touch with us and have their say.
If you require further information please contact one of our Councillors:
Mike Axton 020 8979 1502 020 8979 1502
Published on Friday, July 17th, 2015
General Interest
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