The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Proposed New Parking Controls in East Molesey Rejected by SCC

In September last year Surrey County Council (SCC) launched a consultation on a package of amendments to local parking controls in Elmbridge. These included major new parking restrictions in East Molesey, in particular the introduction of controlled parking zones (CPZs) in Palace Road, Wolsey Road, Arnison Road, Hansler Grove and Grove Road. The CPZs were to operate for an hour in the morning from Monday to Friday, effectively preventing commuter parking.

These proposals were promoted by the local Conservative Councillors at SCC and Elmbridge Council. However, although they were supported by some of the residents in Palace and Wolsey Roads, those living in the surrounding roads expressed serious concerns about them. The MRA strongly opposed these measures because of the potential for displacement of commuter parking into neighbouring roads (many of which have very limited off-street parking capacity), and the inevitable disruption and chaos this would cause.

We are pleased to report that SCC has now considered the large number of responses to the consultation and has decided not to proceed with the CPZ scheme in East Molesey. In addition to the concerns about displacement, the consultation also showed very little support for the scheme from the traders and shoppers in Bridge Road.

SCC has published a report on its 2020 Elmbridge Parking Review which summarises the proposals, the consultation responses, and the reasons for its final decisions. You can access this on the ‘Elmbridge parking review 2019-20′ page on the SCC website  here