The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Royal Cambridge Home Plans – Update

We have reported previously on plans to demolish the Royal Cambridge Home buildings at the junction of Hurst Road and Church Road and replace them with a 30-bed care home and a 60-bed residential home.

The application has now been registered, and the detailed plans and associated documents, and information about how to make your views known, can be seen on the planning section of the Elmbridge Council website. The planning application reference number is 2018/3608.

There is clearly a need for more care home provision locally, and any planning application would need careful consideration, but residents who have looked at the proposals have expressed concerns about the scale and mass of the proposed development, which would be much closer to the pavement than the current buildings.