The Shell Garage, Hurst Road has applied for a licence to sell alcohol 24 hours a day
The Shell garage on Hurst Road has applied for a licence to sell alcohol 24 hours a day and to sell late night refreshments between mid-night and 5am. They are also applying to be open 24 hours a day.
Any residents that wish to object needs to do so by 3rd September.
Cllr. Ivan Regan who is on the Licensing Committee and will be pushing to get this application to committee and not leave it as a decision for approval / rejection by the council officers alone. Cllr. Regan will not be making a representation as this would show a prejudicial interest.
Below is a link to the relevant page of Elmbridge BC website.
Representations to object are to be made on the Elmbridge form available to download, so that names and addresses are supplied.
Notifications online are not permitted, and must be by letter
Objections should be made on the 4 grounds for objection:
a) prevention of crime and disorder
b) public safety
c) Prevention of public nuisance, and/or
d) protection of children from harm
For prevention of public nuisance it is probable that a number of individuals would likely need to be affected for a representation to be valid.
Objections to 24 hour off sales
Published on Wednesday, August 19th, 2015
General Interest
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