The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Your Chance to Suggest Locations in Molesey for Protection as Heritage Sites

Residents in Elmbridge are being asked to offer suggestions for the ‘local heritage list’, a selection of buildings and landscapes in Elmbridge highly valued by the local community.

What’s currently on the list?

For Elmbridge a few locally well-known places are on the list, including,

  • Molesey Boat Club
  • 100 West Grove, Hersham (President Herbert Hoover lived there in 1902/03)
  • Lilliput Children’s Centre, Hersham
  • Foley Arms, Claygate
  • Graburn Way – gates of the former Hurst Park racecourse

Buildings of course can be recommended; however, residents and historical societies may also suggest statues, memorials, sculptures, walls or pieces of street furniture.

Alternatively, parks or gardens, or other examples of designed landscapes can be offered as a possibility for the list.

Features in the landscape could also be proposed, such as prehistoric trackways or field boundaries, or the visible remains of archaeological sites such as banks, ditches and walls.

Councillor Karen Randolph, Portfolio Holder for Planning explains further:

“Heritage assets can take many forms and can be almost anything which gives an insight into how communities and places functioned; providing us with a physical link to our past.”

What happens after nomination?

Nominations will then be assessed against a set of selection criteria (including historical value, social and cultural value, as well as architectural and artistic value), with draft lists compiled for consultation in early 2022.

Once the list has been approved by the council, it will be used to inform planning decisions and the heritage assets on them will be added to the Surrey Historic Environment Record, managed and maintained by Surrey County Council.

The nomination process closes at 5pm on Tuesday 16 November 2021.

Councillor Randolph concludes, “The residents of Elmbridge are incredibly passionate about protecting their borough and I would like to invite them to review the criteria through Surrey County Council’s website and submit appropriate nominations.”

For more information please visit the County Council’s website –