The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Your Green Belt in Danger Public meeting 18th March 2014

Why it’s red for danger

for Elmbridge Green Belt


Thames Ditton meeting will focus

 on the attack on green space



The green belt and urban open spaces in Elmbridge are under a severe and ever-increasing threat from developers, according to Thames Ditton Cllr Ruth Lyon.


And the danger will be highlighted at next Tuesday’s Annual General Meeting of Thames Ditton & Weston Green Residents’ Association at Vera Fletcher Hall in Thames Ditton, when speakers will address local residents. [8-00pm. March 18th].


“Our green spaces are being attacked by both central government and developers with their sights set on Green Belt land and playing fields,” says Cllr Lyon.  “It’s a matter of concern to all residents who may not be aware of the danger at our door.”


Among the evening’s speakers will be Sir Gerry Acher, chairman of Cobham Green Belt who will speak on ‘Your Villages Under Siege’, and the attempt to build 500 houses on 55 acres of Green Belt at Chippings Farm.


Other speakers will include Christine Drury from the CPRE who will speak on ‘Our Green Belt in Danger’ and the wider issues of protection for our countryside and the pressures to build on it.


“Elmbridge is an attractive place to live,” says Cllr Lyon. “But if the developers are permitted to cash-in on our Green Belt and open spaces it could become a place many would prefer to leave.  And that would be a disaster.”


Meeting.  Vera Fletcher Hall. 4 Embercourt Road. Thames Ditton. KT17 OLQ