The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Professional Dog Walkers on Molesey Heath

A number of local residents have raised concerns about the prevalence and impact of professional dog walkers on Molesey Heath in West Molesey.  Many turn up with far more dogs than one person can possibly manage, and there have been numerous incidents of uncontrolled dogs frightening both children and other dogs, as well as inconsiderate parking in Approach Road.    As regular visitors will know, there are also problems with dog mess on the paths and footpaths over Molesey Heath.

  MRA Cllr. Mike Axton has raised these problems with the Council, and as an initial measure, they have agreed to install signs asking dog owners to ensure that dogs are kept under control, clear up mess left by their dogs, and to use consideration when parking in Approach Road.  We hope this will lead to an improvement, but we will continue to monitor the position closely.


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